Hello, I need to implement Glassfy on my compose m...
# multiplatform
Hello, I need to implement Glassfy on my compose multiplatform. They don't support kotlin multiplatform. So I need to use a swift class inside my compose multiplatform. I heard about cinterop and some thing to make a link between swift code and use it in my actual method in my shared. Did someone already do this or have an example of this implementation ? Thanks you
Yeah, when you get the hang of it, you'll realise it's pretty straightforward to do using interfaces. You can check the third section of this my article for a way to do this.
Oh yes thanks you a lot ! @Mofe Ejegi
@Mofe Ejegi do you know if it's possible to send from this interface implementation a swift structure (as the same of a data class in kotlin) ? I have an error with the protocole not respected
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