animate*AsState has a repeat function, but when yo...
# compose
animate*AsState has a repeat function, but when you don't want a state to control it is there a good way to have a manually fired animation repeat n number of times? Eg;
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val rotation = remember { Animatable(0f) }
repeat(3) {
    rotation.animateTo(360f, tween(1000))
works, it just seems like there'd be a shorthand for it that I feel like I'm glossing over in the animation docs
Repeating a certain amount of times looks like a great job for exactly what you are showing here. And I assume you have the repeat function inside a LaunchedEffect right?
Yup I just dumped the code in one place for an example. I guess I just expected the repeat function from animate*AsState to carry over into Animatable too.
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val rotation = remember { Animatable(0f) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
  repeat(3) {
    rotation.animateTo(360f, tween(1000))
So this just works for you correctly, right?
This is sitting being fired when a button gets clicked, so not LaunchedEffect it's just in a normal coroutine.launch.
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val rotation = remember { Animatable(0f) }
    onClick = {
        scope.launch {
            repeat(3) {
                rotation.animateTo(360f, tween(1000, easing = LinearEasing))
Just be careful with this, if you click it again it will just have those two jobs working at the same time and overriding each other. Do you want that?
Yeah I'm aware of that case, the button is already state controlled and can't be clicked more than once while a task is going on. Theres a task happening in the background that's difficult to monitor for progress so I just slapped 3 seconds on it as a timeout to give it time, as it shouldn't ever take >1s, so 3 was the safety range. If there's not a built in repeat that I'm just missing then I think I'm good, thats working. I'll probably eventually do the work to track when the task is done, it's just not on my radar as a priority yet.
why not just use a repeatable animation spec?
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animateTo(360f, repeatable(iterations = 3, tween(1000, …)))
👀 1
Yup thats exactly what I was looking for, I figured there'd just be a way to repeat it from the animation builder and I was missing it in the docs. I think I missed that repeatable was also an AnimationSpec
Wow that exists 🤦‍♂️ I only knew of the infinite repeatable. Sorry about misleading you there ☠️
No worries, I didn't know it existed outside of animate*AsState either, I had just had a feeling that it would exist if it existed elsewhere which is why I asked. Thanks!