AWS dynamo client sdk sucksssss, it forces you to ...
# arrow
AWS dynamo client sdk sucksssss, it forces you to roll your own batch management, rate limiting and exponential backoff 🫠 would love to write this a bit more functionally with a fold or something but there's too much going on for me to crack it
Copy code
fun batchDelete(multiLocationIds: Set<ProductClassCategoryEntity>) {
        val entityClassName = table.tableSchema().itemType().rawClass()
        multiLocationIds.chunked(DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE) { chunk ->
            var attemptCount = 0
            var exponentialBackoffMultiplier = 1
            var keysToDelete =
            while (keysToDelete.isNotEmpty()) { // TODO the other batch methods use idiomatic Kotlin, here we use old-school while - should lbe harmonized (prefer modern style)
                if (attemptCount >= DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
                    // TODO the other batch methods return results (including fails) as objects but delete throws exception - should be harmonized (I prefer objects to exceptions)
                    throw IOException("Failed to batch delete $entityClassName after $DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_MAX_ATTEMPTS attempts: ${keysToDelete.prettyPrint()}")
                val rateLimitWaitMs = DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_WAIT_PER_ITEM_MS * keysToDelete.size * exponentialBackoffMultiplier
                <|> { "Batch deleting $entityClassName with rate limit wait of $rateLimitWaitMs ms: ${keysToDelete.prettyPrint()}" }
                keysToDelete = internalBatchDelete(keysToDelete)
                attemptCount += 1
                exponentialBackoffMultiplier *= 2

    private fun internalBatchDelete(keys: List<Key>): List<Key> {
        // instantiate write
        val writeBatchBuilder = WriteBatch
        // populate it (it sucks that you have to mutate each item)
        // do the delete and record the outcome
        return enhancedClient