Hey, I am trying to understand if all classes of i...
# ios
Hey, I am trying to understand if all classes of iOS native libs have kotlin/native wrappers. e.g. I want to use some VisionKit classes like DataScannerViewController. But when looking at the kotlin native VisionKit packages, I only see a few classes, like VNDocumentCameraViewController. This one is available from iOS 13, while the one I am looking for is available from iOS 16. I thought I need to bump my iOS app min build version to 16, but after doing that and rebuilds, I still do not see more classes in
of kotlin/native. Do I have to do something else, or simply not all the classes get kotlin wrappers? And is there any other way to use the remaining VisionKit classes? Thanks in advance.
Hi Deividas, not all the iOS SDK frameworks (and symbols from them) are supported, although we are trying to support as many as possible. In this case, in the existing Kotlin versions it's not possible to import
, Could you file an issue to https://kotl.in/issue?
As a workaround, I think it could be possible to define custom
(https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-dsl-reference.html#cinterops) with it, but you'll need to generate manually
from the
upd. it looks like
is Swift-only API (despite
) and therefore cannot be called from Kotlin: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/711569
Thank you 🙇