Trying to use the new KMP lifecycle <2.8.0-alpha03...
# multiplatform
Trying to use the new KMP lifecycle 2.8.0-alpha03 in common code, and I get this error when building iOS app:
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No matching variant of org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.7.3 was found. The consumer was configured to find a library for use during 'kotlin-api', preferably optimized for non-jvm, as well as attribute 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type' with value 'native', attribute '' with value 'ios_simulator_arm64' but:
Any hints on how to resolve this? I put the implementation in my commonMain sourceSet. Thanks!
Hey, just FYI I was asking about a different problem in the compose-ios channel because I couldn't access a LifecycleOwner so I couldn't make iOS work. Turns out, it's not implemented yet, so it won't work. So even if you resolve this, you probably won't be able to do what you were wanting to do.
Thank you for the input. Guess they ought to be more precise when they say KMP… :-)
Well, it is an alpha, so I can forgive it not being fully implemented heh
they are working on it though!
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