Hi, How I can collect value when my flow emit the ...
# coroutines
Hi, How I can collect value when my flow emit the same value? Now when I emit Option.Default, println doesn't invoke
var option: Option by mutableStateOf(Option.Default)
fun optionsFlow(): Flow<Option> = snapshotFlow { option }
option = Option.Default
doesn't emit when the same value is emitted multiple times: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/side-effects#snapshotFlow
ahh, ok should I use flow?
It depends on what you want to do. Why are you mutating the variable to the same value as previously?
There are two things going on here: 1. mutableStateOf will ignore value updates with equivalent values by default. 2. snapshotFlow won’t emit duplicate values either, as previously mentioned 1 can be changed by passing a mutation policy to mutableStateOf, but 2 is hard-coded.
This is a high-level property of “state” with a lowercase s. Two states that have the value are the same state. “Changing” a state from one value to the same value isn’t a state change event because the state hasn’t changed.
If you want more direct control of the flow you could consider MutableSharedFlow, but then be careful not to emit directly from the composition (use a SideEffect).
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