:loudspeaker: Conveyor 14 is released! Hydraulic ...
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📢 Conveyor 14 is released! Hydraulic Conveyor is the easiest and most powerful way to ship your Kotlin Multiplatform apps to the desktop. Featuring integrated auto update and the ability to build/release for every platform simultaneously from any platform (e.g. cheap Linux CI workers), along with simple tutorials and template apps, Conveyor makes using Kotlin for your app end-to-end as easy as pie. New in this release: • Custom signing scripts. For enterprise users who have internal IT teams guarding their code signing keys, you can now delegate signing to external scripts. Previously Conveyor always handled signing itself given the credentials, but this doesn't work when the people doing the release are different to those who have the signing creds, as can be the case in large companies. • Add custom TLS root certificates to your app as it's packaged. Why double up on certificate authorities? If your app backend is only accessed by mobile/desktop apps you control there's no need to rely on CA certificates to secure them. You can self issue and skip the hassles of working with CAs, as well as eliminating outage risks from uncontrolled expiry. Just ship your own root certificate as part of your app. Conveyor now makes this easy. • Improvements to the Gradle plugin to keep up with changes in how KMP projects are structured. v14 also contains the usual assortment of bug fixes and usability improvements, all driven by the real experiences of real users. Conveyor is free for open source projects and can be downloaded without signup. https://hydraulic.dev/
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Conveyor is a great tool, which I now use for Ashampoo Photos macOS. 🔥 Thanks for all the great support on your Discord! 👌 As I mentioned there it only falls (really) short on ProGuard support, which involves annoying manual work on each skiko update (which changes with every new Compose Multiplatform version). I hope you can tackle that issue in Conveyor 15. 👀 🙏🏻 Keep up the good work! 🙂
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