I'm also very excited to introduce the first Neovi...
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I'm also very excited to introduce the first Neovim plugin made in Kotlin/Native! Meet cord.nvim: Discord Rich Presence plugin for Neovim 🚀 Features: • Lightweight • Cross-platform compatibility (Windows, Linux, macOS) • Fast startup due to non-blocking, asynchronous nature • Highly configurable in Lua • Offers a rich icon set for editors, languages, file browsers and plugin managers • Detects working directory based on VCS files • Respects the ratelimit of one update per 15 seconds • Written in native code, uses Lua FFI for integration https://github.com/reblast/cord.nvim As you probably guessed it, Cord is made on top KPresence 😄.
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Are you also editing Kotlin Code in NeoVIM? I didn't find great tooling for it
Yes, but without a language server
Oh okay