hello everyone. now I use android studio canary wi...
# android-studio
hello everyone. now I use android studio canary with jbr (version 17), when to release android studio canary with jbr (version 21), I have tried to find in the android developer website, but no result. so very sad. BTW, please tell me android studio jbr version update's release timeline too.
We only bundle the JBR with each Studio installation. It’s not available as a separate download because it’s slightly customized from the JBR versions directly from JetBrains.
You can find JBR downloads directly from JetBrains here: https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsRuntime
please tell me android studio jbr version update’s release timeline too.
We release new JBR updates with every merge from IntelliJ Platform. Can’t provide specific details on timelines but JBR21 updates should come with future Koala releases.
can you make a android studio release roadmap?
What would you like to know specifically?