Hi! Is it possible to remove `jsTest` source set f...
# javascript
Hi! Is it possible to remove
source set from project? I am adding javascript target to existing library and jsTests do not compile due to usage of mockk. I wish i could remove the jsTest for now. Can it be done?
What you're saying is you introduced the JS target, but mockk isn't compatible with JS, and thus tests in
fails when they get compiled for JS?
exactly. I get unresolved refference when tests are compiled on js target. I managed to work around it by calling
./gradlew build -x compileTestKotlinJs
but this is far from ideal. I actually do not need to test common code on JS for now (and maybe ever) so it would be nice to get rid of jsTest completly
Example of a possible solution:
Copy code
testTask {
  useMocha {

  enabled = false
  compilation.compileTaskProvider.get().enabled = false
👀 1
Thank You very much. Adding the
compilation.compileTaskProvider.get().enabled = false
helped 🙌