Just to understand better what I'm doing: what's t...
# ktor
Just to understand better what I'm doing: what's the effective role of the
SelectorManager(dispatcher = <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>)
? In my KMP library, I'm wrapping Ktor in a way similar to:
Copy code
override suspend fun connect(address: NetAddress): ServerProperties {
  selectorManager = SelectorManager(dispatcher)

  val tcp = aSocket(selectorManager).tcp()
  socket = tcp.connect(address.host, address.port)
I suppose a
should be used to create multiple socket connections, so having one
instance per socket instance isn't strictly correct.
on JVM and Native behaves differently regarding dispatcher: • on Native, dispatcher is ignored and separate
is created for handling of non-blocking sockets selection • on JVM, it uses dispatcher and fully blocks (in a blocking loop) one thread from dispatcher (that's why you need IO and not Default) And yes, one selector should be enough to handle multiple sockets (client/server) You can check on how
CIO engine (client or server) is implemented to get more insights
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Thanks @Oleg Yukhnevich. To clarify further, what I offer in this library is a multiplatform implementation of a TCP protocol. My confusion here spawns from the fact I'm not sure which thread pool / dispatcher should be passed to the
. When I instantiate the JVM socket client abstraction, e.g.
, I instantiate it using a custom coroutine scope, and a custom dispatcher that limits to a single thread. That is, each
instance should use one thread at most.
Copy code
public actual fun Dispatchers.forSocket(): CoroutineDispatcher =
However, currently, inside
I'm doing
Copy code
override suspend fun connect(address: NetAddress): ServerProperties {
  selectorManager = SelectorManager(dispatcher = <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>)
Which is obviously wrong from a logical perspective, because I'm not even re-using the
Probably what I should use is
Copy code
selectorManager = SelectorManager(currentCoroutineContext())
This would ensure the context is set outside of the socket client abstraction
be careful with multiple
instances, as it could suffer performance. As I said, on JVM it will block one thread - and using it for one socket will be very not efficient
I'm not sure which thread pool / dispatcher should be passed to the
I would say, it's better to pass
like in your example, it should work fine, though, It still would be better to reuse it per sockets Why do you need separate dispatcher for socket with
> Why do you need separate dispatcher for socket with
? That's actually a good question, in the sense that I don't recall why it was done like that a long time ago. It was probably done because of the misunderstanding between concurrency and parallelism, or probably because the idea was to constrain access to resources for each active socket connection
constrain access to resources
In the sense we did not want to let coroutines use/spawn N threads freely, we wanted to use the bare minimum.
okay, I don't know about all your requirements, so I would just write some suggestion, and then you will be able to decide 🙂 1. use single
per all your client sockets, it should be closed to free resources
all client sockets are closed - or you will have a deadlock 2. use
+ handle sockets on IO until it becomes a problem 3. If for some reason you will see, that there are some problems with performance, I would suggest to create a separate dispatcher or via
(though, I haven't tested it, but most likely it should work) or via
(don't forget to close it) , where N > 1 (as 1 thread will be blocked) to reduce amount of threads used (and so memory and thread-switching) 4. Don't create a lot of
instances, as it will cause a lot of platform threads to be just blocked, and so reduce performance (may be Virtual Threads will work fine here, but I haven't tested it) 5. it's fine to use different dispatcher for
and sockets handling, but it will cause additional thread-switching, which could or couldn't affect your use case 🙂 6. Before replacing
with something else - try to understand the problem better and if possible do some benchmarking/stress testing If you have an open-source repository somewhere, it could help to understand better what do you want to achieve 🙂 Still,
is really not so easy to use, so don't be shy to ask questions here, I will try to help with all my knowledge received during development/research for rsocket-kotlin, or folks from
could also help
Thank you! First I'll go back to the "design" stage and see if I can improve how we pass the coroutine context / dispatcher around, or if we can just use IO without thinking too much about it.
Just to verify I understood the concept of `SelectorManager`: it's basically the central piece that will coordinate socket connections. It's what switches between one or the other while one is suspended
You can read about NIO Selector (JDK documentation is a good start) -
is like a coroutines abstraction over it (on JVM, and similar concept on Native) So, yes, basically it's a coordinator which decides when some of the application sockets should read/write to platform socket
I was just looking at the code and noticed the similarity in naming, I'm going to read that, thanks!
👍 1
I suppose being a wrapper on the JDK selector is also why it allocates one thread
Yeah as per documentation of
This method performs a blocking selection operation. It returns only after at least one channel is selected
So, if sockets are idle it just blocks thread awaiting for read/write
Finally starting to see what's going on. This really shows what a good piece of KDoc could do to prevent this headache
as mostly
ktor module to support
engine 🙂 At least, this is how I see it right now 🙃 I still don't fully understand how to use it efficiently and frequently looking at
(client/server) engines implementation to understand what's going on
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Another thing one could do is revert to use the blocking
in the wrapper, instead of using Ktor
Probably it really depends on the kind of abstraction one is building
I'm now using a single selector manager with
. The only problem I had to workaround was closing it. The way the library is structured prevents me from allowing consumers to explicitly close/dispose resources, so I had to register a shutdown hook. I'm not sure which kind of resources the NIO selector allocates, and what would happen if I didn't use an hook, but just to be safe it looks like a decent workaround.
Yeah, it should do the trick I believe:)
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I'm still left with a doubt regarding
If I understand correctly the documentation, if for each socket connection I call
, and I have 1000 connections, the underlying pool will be expanded to up to 1000 threads? If my understanding is correct, my usage of
is dangerous
Yeah, up to if all of the sockets will want to do read/write at the same moment. I don't thinks that this will happen in reality Still, it could be that just
for all sockets will be fine (without
), it's capped to 64 threads
It's very unlikely it will happen, you're right. But I like being defensive when it comes to allocated resources. So I'm left with two choices: 1. Use
- will allocate 1 up to 64 threads on demand, capped to 64 or number of cores 2. Use a custom
- however this will require manual shutdown. Added complexity, worth it? Maybe not. Since the executor is an implementation detail, I'd have to find a way to shut it down without the consumer knowing about it.
At this point I'm also curious to understand how the IO dispatcher handles shutdown