when I print `MyEnum.entries` in the debugger, I s...
# getting-started
when I print
in the debugger, I see a different instance everytime Wasn't the point of
to get the same instance always?
The point of
is to have an immutable representation of the enum values. In contrast, the array you receive when calling
is not immutable. Looking at the docs of
you can see that it's a special list, so I suppose you get a new list every time (
returns definitely a new one)
It still was discussed during KEEP as one of advantages
Arrays are mutable by default, meaning that each call to
always has to allocate a new instance of the array. The API shape does not indicate that fact, often leading to hidden performance issues in both Kotlin and Java. It is hard for library authors to determine whether an arbitrary call to
may lead to a performance bottleneck as the profile depends on the "hotness" of the method, not on the enum's characteristics, effectively forcing authors to apply a workaround or leave it as a potential performance issue.
Now I re-reading it, and it's indeed not explicitly mentions that new solution will not create new instance every time, but I would imply it from motivation, because it's indeed may cause bottleneck
ah, actually it's not the same, EnumEntriesList is just wrapper around entries, so it's still way faster, doesn't require array copy
and making new instance every time allows to make it thread safe (so every thread has own EnumEntriesList
So I now see why it was made this way
How could
not be thread safe anyways if it's immutable from the outside of internal implementation? From what I tested I could see that for Kotlin enums one instance of
is created and being reused even when accessed from different threads - https://pl.kotl.in/W6_KU3anc It makes sense as design note mentions entries as static field with value instantiated on class initialization. For Java enums from what I tested instances of
are shared but there is no single-instance guarantee, as actual Java classes cannot be directly altered by compiler. I found this class with caching mechanism: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/master/compiler/ir/backend.jvm/codegen/sr[…]in/backend/jvm/codegen/EnumEntriesIntrinsicMappingsCacheImpl.kt Correct me on this one, but I would guess that you seeing different instance each time in debugger would have to do more with how debugger loads classes than with the actual implementation. Also, I didn't see any difference in behavior of
, @Ronny Bräunlich where did you found information about
returning new instance each time?
👍 1
Yes, you right, agree on this, EnumEntreies must be thread safe already anyway, there is no mutability, and iterators already safe
I believe about enumEntries is just from source code:
Copy code
internal fun <E : Enum<E>> enumEntries(entries: Array<E>): EnumEntries<E> = EnumEntriesList(entries)
Buty it's interanl version
not exposed by public API
so in real code it should call intrinsic one
Check the sources of
which has intrinsic implementation with note about it in source sets:
Copy code
internal actual inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumEntriesIntrinsic(): EnumEntries<T> {
     * Implementation note: this body will be replaced with `throw NotImplementedException()` the moment
     * all backends starts intrinsifying this call.
    return enumEntries(enumValues<T>())
is not actually called each time you invoke
, compiler has its own internal implementation for it
Indeed, this prints `true`:
Copy code
enum class E { A, B }

fun main() {
    val a = E.entries
    val b = E.entries
    println(a === b) // true
But if you set a breakpoint anywhere in the code, and do "Evaluate expression" and type "E.entries" in the text box, then you can see that every time you press Evaluate you get a different instance. This seems to only happen in the debugger.
@Klitos Kyriacou exactly, super odd