Hi! Is it possible to use objC library from kotlin...
# ios
Hi! Is it possible to use objC library from kotlin/iosMain? I would like to use ZipArchive. Is it possible to call its methods directly from kotlin or do I need a cinterop wrapper? Does cocoapods integration plugin generate the cinterop automatically?
yes, you can use cinterop for that: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/native-c-interop.html here is a example: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/native-c-interop.html#filter-headers-by-module-maps you can download the .framework and create kotlin bindings for it using the cinterop tool https://gist.github.com/Ribesg/95a172ceb2177d74cf5b15993d40092e
👍 1
This is very cool. So one can say kotlin/native is more similar to C/C++ in terms of project config and library ecosystem. I could create kotlin bindings for some C libraries on linux too, right?
yes, if you have the header files for that, you can create a .def file to generate kotlin bindings for the libraries
Awesome! Thank you. I will need to probably create some projects to fully understand but this looks very promising
just remember you have to add the dependency on your iOS project anyway (Swift PM or pod file), because Kotlin Native will only create bindings. I mean the binary of the bound library will not be embedded on the produced kotlin library
👀 2
This is important insight. I will keep that in mind 🙌
Interesting. This is great.