Has anyone figured out a solution to make UIKitVie...
# compose-ios
Has anyone figured out a solution to make UIKitView transparent? I've been looking for a workaround for a while now.  The solutions suggested in this thread below work for ComposeUiViewController. They don't work for UIKitView.  https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/issues/3154
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It is impossible. If you check that issue thread carefully you can read that
currently interop views are drawn _behind_ the compose view through the transparent holes.
If you cut a hole in a list of paper and put a glass behind it, would you see the cut-off part through the glass?
👍 1
@Alexander Zhirkevich Is it possible to run the skiko renderer on the main thread? Like we can do it for the lottie ios renderer
It is on the main thread by default