Say I have: ```sealed interface Foo sealed interf...
# arrow
Say I have:
Copy code
sealed interface Foo

sealed interface FooForBar : Foo {
  val bar: Bar

value class Bar(val value: String) {
  companion object {
    val EMPTY = Bar("")
And I need to manage a list of Foos that don't derive from ForForBar and a
Map<Bar, ForForBar>
is it a bad practice to keep them both in one map and to use
as the key for the ones deriving only from Foo?
The example you provided is very abstract, it's difficult to decide if it's a good idea or not based on just this. Maybe for some cases it may make sense, maybe for some others it won't.
I use this in a few contexts... in this case Foo is a general action that acts more globally, whereas FooForBar is one that only acts for a particular object where Bar is it's Id.
Now that I think of it... you're right, it could be that if it would just be a simple model, I could have done it that way... and in other contexts that I use this pattern, it really is... But first, there could be multiple Actions without a Bar... and second, those actions should only have one of each type... I wonder if I'd have to override the equals on each of those to get a Set of unique types whether their properties are the same or not... Is it better to create a data class with all the types of Foo nullable and to save it instead of a Set?
It's a bit hard to start thinking in the "functional" modelling style... but I like it 😊...
What is an action in your context? Is it pure data, or something that can be executed; i.e., a function reference?
Pure data being sent by an API