Hey guys, has anyone come across this issue? It ha...
# compose-ios
Hey guys, has anyone come across this issue? It happens when an
sheet is displayed on top of a screen that has the content built in
. The default
behaviour causes the screen to shrink (to achieve that stacking effect). This is all good however, the compose content doesn't react to the changes well, leaving a white streak.
Hi there! What version of Compose you're using? Please try to use latest version. Similar bug was already fixed here: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core/pull/1093
Thanks for responding and linking the pr! It really does look like the same issue I'm having. Video was made using
however even upgrading to
didn't fix it right away (after the quick round of testing I did). I'll try some more and follow the repository to see what could be different. If you don't hear back from me, assume the issue is fixed. Thanks a lot again!
The source of problem was that iOS changes
property of the view controller's view when it resigns active state. And because of that compose scene size was adjusted according to the scaled view size on the screen. If nothing help, please feel free to fire an issue. Also it would be super helpful if you can provide some repro sample there.
👍 2
@Andrei Salavei Coming back to this as I've been unable to prioritise it in the past week. I got to the bottom of the issue and it was being caused by the
. Can confirm that other bottomSheets do work well! Considering the above, what should be the course of action I should take? Should I open a new issue or revive the old one?