I found a bug in the way packaging is done on Comp...
# compose
I found a bug in the way packaging is done on Compose desktop and the fix is trivial. Do you folks at jetbrains take contributions? if yes, how do I build and run stuff locally? So far, I tried cloning the compose-multiplatform repo and import the plugin to my project, but it is complaining about
cc'ing @Igor Demin since @seb told me he might now
Hi Igor :)
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Alex asked me but I don't have a clue 😁
Do you folks at jetbrains take contributions? if yes, how do I build and run stuff locally?
We accept them, but not on regular basis. If the fix is important or small (it seems your situation), we'll review and accept it in a days/weeks. Non-important or big PR's even if they are good can be left without review/merging for months/years unfortunately.
but it is complaining about
How do you open the project? Do you open
subfolder in IDEA? After the Gradle sync, do you perform
task? This is a working way to include it in your project. If you try to include the plugin as a Gradle subproject, there can be issues.
> fix is important If it fixes a bug then in majority of cases it is important.
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thanks Igor. Will give it a try
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@Igor Demin I gave it a go, but I can't figure out how to use the updated plugin in my project. I can see compose plugin in local central (see pic), but when I import it I get
Copy code
Plugin [id: 'org.jetbrains.compose.compose-gradle-plugin', version: '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT'] was not found in any of the following sources:
Searched in the following repositories:
    Gradle Central Plugin Repository
I think I got it. Changed the gradle plugin version to SNAPSHOT-0.1.0 instead and it did the trick
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