Are there plans for publish a WASM-compatible `kto...
# ktor
Are there plans for publish a WASM-compatible
There are no such plans at the moment. Can you please file a feature request?
Do you actually mean the CORS plugin? Ktor server targets only JVM and *nix targets.
I thought you wanted some kind of CORS configuration for the WASM modules.
to be honest I’m not entirely sure. My use case is fairly simple - a WASM compose app that makes some API calls to github within the site, but I get errors messages about wrong cors headers. I’m probably a little out of my depth 😅
all the stackoverflow results say to install the cors plugin + set up some headers
The CORS plugin can be installed only on the server side. If you have no control over the server then you need some kind of proxy.
Perhaps you just need to add cors headers in the client rest api call
ah ok. Yeah I probably just need to learn a little more about how this all works