Hey! Does anyone have an idea how I can display an...
# compose-ios
Hey! Does anyone have an idea how I can display an image in Compose coming from the file system? I built a contact importer with expect/actual - it works. Now On Android I have for example an URI pointing to the contact image. How can i display this uri in common compose now?
There might be an easier way, but I solved this by using expect/actual to make an ImageBitmap extension... For example (not actually how I did it; see below for my actual solution)...
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expect fun ImageBitmap.Companion.fromPlatformFile(fileReference: String) : Result<ImageBitmap>
could be a path, URI, whatever you need. For better type safety, you could encapsulate this in another class like
or something (which could be returned by your contact importer). Used something like...
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val contact = getContact() // whatever your expect/actual function is.

val bitmap = ImageBitmap.fromPlatformFile(contact.imageFile).getOrNull()
In my case, what I actually did was to make an expect/actual ImageBitmap extension that makes an image from a ByteArray:
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expect fun ImageBitmap.Companion.fromByteArray(data: ByteArray) : ImageBitmap?

// Apple
actual fun ImageBitmap.Companion.fromByteArray(data: ByteArray): ImageBitmap? =

// Android
actual fun ImageBitmap.Companion.fromByteArray(data: ByteArray): ImageBitmap? = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data,0,data.size)?.asImageBitmap()
And I have a
class that wraps a platform-dependent reference to a file (URI, path, whatever) and provides an expect/actual
.readBytes() : Result<ByteArray>
method. So you end up with something like:
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   .map { ImageBitmap.fromByteArray(it) }
Of course, that loads the image synchronously; you'll need to do some stuff with coroutines so it doesn't block the main thread...
I don’t understand why you do not just use https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-io (or https://github.com/square/okio) for the IO stuff.
Does okio support URIs? In their docs it says:
class supports Windows-style (like
) and UNIX-style paths (like
...but on Android, you quite often get
URIs that need to be read via
What about:
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fun getSource(uri: Uri): Source {
    val contentResolver = activity.getContentResolver()
    val inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)
    if (inputStream == null) throw FileNotFoundException("Can't open input stream, uri: $uri")
    return inputStream.source()
I haven’t tested it though.
But in this case you're still using expect/actual, though, so what's the benefit of using okio here?
And a
is not multiplatform... so in either case you're still going to need to use a string or have your own encapsulation for a platform type...
You are right with the URI. That should be replaced by a String. The benefit is that your IO-handling is now consistent, assuming that you use Okio elsewhere too.
@Matthew Feinberg thx for sharing your way, i will try it out, exactly what i was looking for. My fallback would have been uploading the contact pics on native side to firebase and then showing remote pictures in CMP, but that would be suboptimal.
> assuming that you use Okio elsewhere too Ah, not sure about Max's needs, but in my case literally the only place where I do I/O is reading user-selected images from the Gallery/Camera Roll. So adding another dependency would be overkill. I'm hoping by the time I have proper I/O needs, kotlinx-io's
will have moved beyond the experimental stage. If not, Okio looks like a good backup choice!
@Max No problem! Glad it was helpful. Note that to avoid blocking the UI thread while loading the image, you'll probably want to use
, something like:
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var contactImageBitmap : ImageBitmap? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
contactImageBitmap?.let{ Image( it, "Contact Photo" ) }
LaunchedEffect(contactImageRef) {
    contactImageBitmap = 
        withContext(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {contactImageRef.readBytes()}
           .map { ImageBitmap.fromByteArray(it) }
@Matthew Feinberg I got to implement this now, had to modify it the code shared above, but your example helped me still a lot to figure this out. For anybody interested, sharing here my solution: 1. I query the contact in swift an transform the thumbnail
to a `KotlinByteArray`:
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private func dataToKotlinByteArray(data: Data) -> KotlinByteArray {
    let swiftByteArray = [UInt8](data)
    return swiftByteArray
        .reduce(into: KotlinByteArray(size: Int32(swiftByteArray.count))) { result, row in
            result.set(index: Int32(row.offset), value: row.element)
2. In CMP i display the image via:
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    bitmap = imageLoader.loadImage(it),
    contentDescription = "image",
    modifier = Modifier.size(140.dp).clip(RoundedCornerShape(percent = 50))
3. Now comes the tricky part, took me a while to find out: You can only access skia’s ByteArray to Image in iOS source set, otherwise you can while compiling “Could not find skia..“:
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class IOSImageLoader: ImageLoader {

    override fun loadImage(bytes: ByteArray): ImageBitmap {
        return Image.makeFromEncoded(bytes).toComposeImageBitmap()
And … the image is displayed:)