Hello, I migrate my personal project from Compose ...
# compose-desktop
Hello, I migrate my personal project from Compose Desktop 1.5.10 to 1.6.1 and I've some issue with UI tests. Looks like the AWT thread is always rerendering and the
never return. I did an experiment with a trivial composition (
Text("Hello World")
) and works fine. Doing a thread dump looks like is always try to recompute the size, but not sure. Any hint on how to debug it and discover where the problem is? I assume some UI customization could create this problem. I cannot see it if I run the app, it works as usual.
Post a reproducer.
I try to simplify the problem, will try to build it.
could be that some library I use are not really compatible with 1.6 (e.g. Voyager)
Could be anything. Hard to say without looking at the code.
yes, sure, I understand
Animations would do this.
was just if there is some pointers, but yes, buid a simpler problem could be the first step