Hi. Is there any way to change default output fold...
# ksp
Hi. Is there any way to change default output folder path for KSP generated codes. Currently the generated files (using ksp annotation) are stored in folder
Can i able to change this path to a custom path bcoz i had problem with the variant naming.
What is the problem you're having? I'm more and more convinced Gradle tasks output locations are implementation details and should not matter
@mbonnin In our app , we have too many number of variants. for ex - debug, staging, release. If i generated code with currently having debug as active build variant, generated files are stored into
build/generated/ksp/debug/kotlin -
this folder Now if i change my variant to another (for ex - release) - newly generated files will store in to
1st issue is , I need to mention both directory as source directory in this case. Like this.
applicationVariants.all *{* variant *->*
sourceSets *{*
main *{*
kotlin.srcDirs += ["$buildDir/generated/ksp/$<http://variant.name/kotlin%22|variant.name/kotlin">]
2nd issue : Some build exceptions occurred if both generated folders are available in the build at the same time. If i clean the build and run , it will create only one folder and it runs fine. But otherwise it cause some task failures.
* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:kaptCnStagingKotlin'.
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.lambda$executeIfValid$1(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:147)
at org.gradle.internal.Try$Failure.ifSuccessfulOrElse(Try.java:282)
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeIfValid(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:145)
Looks like there another issue in your build. I don't think changing the default KSP output dir here is going to be the solution
My idea is to make a common directory - to store generated files. Like
If thats the case, there will be no duplicates.
- When i cleaned the build and run this task it works fine.( Only cnStaging variant generated folders are there) --> For example if i already have cnRelease variant - generated files and run this task, it throws this exception.
You should not add the scrDir manually, it should be added by KSP.
Agreed, that's the perfect world where KSP does all the wiring for you
Last time I checked it was a bit of a work in progress with KMP though, not sure what the status is with Android variants?
You should not add the scrDir manually, it should be added by KSP.
Not in kmp yet
nod 1
(well this issue is closed... but I'm pretty sure the KMP setup requires some amount of manual configuration)
I have to double check but I don't think I've done any manual configuration with KMP in a while (unless I hid it in a convention plugin and forgot about it 😬)
😄 1
You have to manually specify the generated
and also add a dependsOn to all Kotlin Compile.
Well, adding the processor to the common configuration shouldn’t require any manual setup imo.
Yes agreed 😅