I wanted to round a number in Kotlin/Multiplatform...
# random
I wanted to round a number in Kotlin/Multiplatform so I tried making a little function, but it didn't always work due to floating-point arithmetic and the existence of the digit 5. So after writing some tests and a more interesting algorithm, which still didn't work, I decided to use the collective knowledge of humanity and looked up how rounding is done. I found the seven ways the JVM can do it https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/math/RoundingMode.html I found the code that does it https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/jdk-21-ga/src/java.base/share/classes/java/math/BigDecimal.java#L2842 I'm now reconsidering life choices. I just wanted to round a number. I also understand why it's not in the stdlib yet.
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Out of curiosity, why round a number in multiplatform code? I'm oversimplifying, but I think my rule of thumb would be to round numbers only at the system boundary, and only when rendering them as text
Yes, you should probably rely on an existing platform implementation on all platforms where you want to display numbers using
. In my case I'm in common Compose code and I just wanted to make a quick function to round numbers for display. It can't be that hard, right? 🤡
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I spent some time working on a product which had to calculate and display currency values. I remember for a while there was a whole team just working on number rounding. They ultimately claimed they had come up with a better algorithm than the ones in Java… I was never quite convinced 🤔
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There must be somebody working on a decimal number library for Kotlin, it seems like the kind of thing people would need
Not sure about your specific concern but usually in finance you either work with Big decimal which I think has a KMP lib somewhere or you just don't use decimal points. Treat all your numbers as long and shift 2 places the coma at the end of your computations. You won't risk any rounding presicion error, or decimal number representation in binary error
Not sure about your specific concern but usually in finance you either work with Big decimal which I think has a KMP lib somewhere or you just don’t use decimal points.
+1. Worked on a big finance project and we used BigDecimal wrapped inside a value class for some added niceties and had zero issues with rounding/precision.
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I commonised
for a financial product. Unfortunately I can't make the code available, but it was successful despite not being as trivial as you might hope! Nice thing was I ended up with a battery of many Unit Tests in common code that asserted the same results from both platforms across many types of rounding and arithmetic operations to prove it. I also used value class as @edrd did.
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