my code with the modal menu popup now looks like t...
# doodle
my code with the modal menu popup now looks like this:
Copy code
class MyApp(
    private val uiDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, ...
) : Application, CoroutineScope by CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Default) {
    init {
        launch {                 // <-- new
            loadFonts()          // <-- new

            val button = ToggleButton().apply {
                font = defaultFont
                pointerChanged += PointerListener.pressed {
                    if (Button2 in it.buttons) {
                        val popupLocation = it.location

                        launch(uiDispatcher) {
                            println("show menu")  // <-- never excuted
                            modal {
so basically i've moved everything inside that outer`launch`-block and added a
call which is similar to code in the example projects. however, now the modal is not shown any more, the
show menu
println never gets executed when i right-click on the button. when i move the code below
outside of the outer
then the popup's working again, but then my font might not yet be loaded
will take a look later tonight
❤️ 1
thanks, no need. i understand now what i did wrong. when i call the inner
it calls it from the coroutinescope of the outer
, but as soon as the execution returns from that outer scope, kotlin cancels all 'inner' jobs ("structured concurrency")... i must make sure i call the inner launch using
this@MyApp.launch {}