For windows builds, is there a task to create a 'f...
# compose-desktop
For windows builds, is there a task to create a 'fat-exe'? Currently that I know of the gradle plugin provides packageExe - which creates a .exe installer, and createDistributable - which creates an exe w/ all of it's dependencies which would not work. I'm looking to just make a standalone exe with everything packaged inside of it.
that would be really nice
This would be great, but I don’t think it’s possible. Even ExcelsiorJet in the old days had still a „runtime“ folder - even if everything else was packed into a big EXE. It’s possible that some libs/DLLs must be separate and also possibly maintain their signature. A fat standalone EXE that does not even extract anything (like DLLs) into the system would be something really great. The same of course for macOS & Linux. I’m not sure if this could be achieved with GraalVM 🤔
you think if we ever got kotlin native compose it could work?
yes black 1
Oh yes, I believe that. The native executable target of my libs produce single EXE files. So putting together libs & own code in a singular EXE seems to be entirely possible.
An exe is just a fancy folder with some metadata, so there shouldn't be anything stopping us from plopping that directory inside the exe.
An exe is just a fancy folder with some metadata, so there shouldn't be anything stopping us from plopping that directory inside the exe.
If it is so easy, why hasn't it been done?
Just because it hasn't been set up doesn't indicate difficulty. I'll work on it over the next few days.
However, that’s exactly my assumption. ExcelsiorJet would have done it otherwise. I’m looking towards your single-exe solution. Would love a all-in-one packaging where people can’t destroy the installation by deleting stuff in the runtime folder… or even worse virus scanners doing that. Had that once with Windows Defender on a false positive.
well we can make uberjars, so you'd just need to package the uberjar into an exe w/ something like a minified graal
It's JVM so none of it is compiled binary, it's just fancy folders with metadata.
I mentioned GraalVM earlier