is there KMM ready solution for loading and cachin...
# multiplatform
is there KMM ready solution for loading and caching images? I need to load and cache images inside shared KMM module but those images would be consumed from native UIs, Compose and SwiftUI. if I was building it by hand I’d use Okio to save images to disk and have a bridge from Android and iOS to send byte array that I’ll save. but I’d prefer to use lib like (maybe) Coil but idk. if it supports my use case
Maybe you can use
mechanism and in
implementations you can use Coil/WhateverIosLib?
it’s possible but I went fully manual route. coil is not multiplatform yet and my usecase is simpler than code I’ll need to wire things.
thank you. I checked Kamel and it is awesome. if my usecase becomes more involved I’ll switch to a dedicated library