Back with a question, I'm looking at `Apollo-AST` ...
# apollo-kotlin
Back with a question, I'm looking at
artifact and I can read and parse graphql executable document and schema just fine ๐Ÿ‘Œ But I can't figure out what's the proper way to grab a selection type. For query variables I can see
field with stuff like
GQLNonNullType(GQLNamedType(name = ID))
, but for e.g. fragment selections I only see a name. I can extract a type manually via
(schema.typeDefinitions[] as GQLObjectTypeDefinition).fields[]
, just wondering if I'm not unnecessarily complicating things
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Yeah, that's just the current situation. We don't have anything that "materializes" the references in the AST, you just get the plain AST
There is GQLField.definitionFromScope() that helps a little bit
(note your snippet above might fail if your fragment type condition is an interface)
Yeah I expect some special cases for interfaces, anonymous fragments etc., just wanted to get a general idea ๐Ÿ‘ the extension you sent looks useful, guess I'll have to browse ๐Ÿ™‚ that clears things up, thanks!
btw are there any major changes in these APIs planned in 4.x?
In a perfect world, we have a specialized data structure for validated operations that has all references resolved, I was discussing this with @bod recently. But we're not there yet
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btw are there any major changes in these APIs planned in 4.x?
There are a few. Most of the
are basically untouched and get handy superinterfaces for stuff like
IIRC the main changes are the top level APIs and how to convert between File <-> GQLDocument <-> Schema
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IIRC there was a
and now you have to go through GQLDocument always
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Got it, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚