I need to pass a complex object via navigation. Th...
# compose
I need to pass a complex object via navigation. The type lives in a pure kotlin module, so no android. Would you rather create a private wrapper that is
or, serialize it via
Btw I meaasured the protobuf and it still sometimes takes 2ms to serialize (measured in debug mind you) TLDR; is it unreasonable for passing arguments to take 2ms in runtime, or should I rather sacrifice developer time and write the silly wrapper?
Hoist it into a higher lived object like activity level or app level. When you “need” to pass large objects like that , it’s a code smell.
why would it be a code smell? its not large, couple of fields, basic struct
The word “complex”
as opposed to primitive
Serializing it to a single field could easily by done by doubly encoding it key + value as a single parameter value
Just in case you got values that have spaces or special characters, assuming you mean jetpack navigation
you mean like this?
Copy code
bundle.putString(.., struct.foo)
bundle.putString(.., struct.bar)
Compose navigation? Or android navigation
well, both really, I though compose nav could take a bundle as well .. is it only a string?
Jetpack navigation compose only takes url arguments
Pretty sure
I see, so even lamer do people really destructure it to n query params manually? that seems so backwards tbh
coming from ios, I only want to pass this struct to a screen, thats it .. its not backed by database or any other reactive store, simply a tuple of n values
It’s not bad to write a library to do it. https://github.com/raamcosta/compose-destinations We at my company I’ve written a library that’s type safe too using ksp
think parsed from a deeplink
If you want to keep your sanity, just use this https://github.com/kiwicom/navigation-compose-typed and you can pass the object as-is, as long as it is @Serializable
👍 1
You might enjoy compose destinations
And if you notice this https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/188693139 you will see that the official library is building their type-safe tooling exactly around kotlinx.serialization as well. So the migration to the official solution will be painless
👍 1
I see, but that does what, serialize it to json synchronously on main thread?
I mean I could do that myself, I was just curious about perf impliciations
since 2ms ... idk, that seems like a lot.. on a 120Hz screen you have what, 8ms to do everything?
right .. so I guess it's fine? I mean it does fall down to 0-1, probably some caching of the serializer happening etc
Yeah, if you are worried try to profile your app to see how fast this happens. I doubt it’s a problem, especially serializing a class with 2 objects as you say
what time would you consider not fine?
anyways good to know they're going this way anyways, thank you!
what time would you consider not fine?
The time which makes my app miss frames 😄
anyways good to know they’re going this way anyways, thank you!
Yeah unless I am missing something it seems like they indeed are doing this too
You can also consider instead passing a key/id of the complex object, then retrieving it from some form of cache 🙂
sure if you have it, I mean for the times when you don't have a store