Hi everyone, not sure where to ask this so posting...
# intellij
Hi everyone, not sure where to ask this so posting here... i have some free time and was thinking about implementing/contributing https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/kotlin-to-support-package-protected-visibility. Mainly i want to find out 1) if jetbrains even would want this feature (merge it if i were to propery implement it), cos from conversations with devs i'm unsure, 2) Anyone who worked with kotlinc, is there any significant pitfals i should be aware of/looking out for? I'm gonna aim to make it such that package visibility works exactly as in java. Any pointers where to look for example flow, which classes to start from would be appreciated.
Try #language-evolution, #language-proposals or #compiler , but don’t do any work without understanding the process for agreeing on language level changes
👍 1
wouldnt language level matter only if this is agreed to go into kotlin language?, i'm for now tryint to implemnent it for personal use, then i'll create the KEEP and hopefully people agree to add this to the language or propose something better.
since package visibility is the default and was there from java 1.0 i suppose my target is to use lowest jvm target level + current (latest) kotlin language level...
In that case, #compiler is probably your best bet