I'm working with insets and a LazyColumn and was w...
# compose
I'm working with insets and a LazyColumn and was wondering if it was possible to not have the LazyColumn move up along with the keyboard when it comes up? I've tried setting my softInputMode to adjust nothing and I only apply imePadding to my textfield below the LazyColumn.
adjustResize, setDecorFitsSystemWindows false, apply imePadding modifier to outermost thing you want to move. How is your text field below the lazy column? If they’re in a column, then moving the field will affect the lazycolumn because that’s how column works
This can also be a simple
too nowadays
I vaguely remember that not working correctly on some versions? But yea if it works for you then great
Yeah, I think they’ve tried to make the best possible thing for each API level. The API checks here show that there was extra care given for every API level that had some change in how edge to edge works https://cs.android.com/androidx/platform/frameworks/support/+/androidx-main:activity[…]va/androidx/activity/EdgeToEdge.kt;l=78-92?q=enableEdgeToEdge If something straight up does not work on some API versions then I think it’s worth a bug report.
I can’t parse the first sentence but yes to filing bugs if found 😅
I can’t parse it either, wtf was I thinking there?
😂 1
We actually use both for now 🤷 could probably get rid of one. Originally it was in a column but that does cause the whole content to move up as you say because imePadding adds height to whatever it's applied to 👍 . The designs I'm supposed to make want the screen to not move up so I decided to do a custom layout. It's effectively a 'box' with column like placement.