I'm currently deploying a ktor app in google cloud...
# ktor
I'm currently deploying a ktor app in google cloud. I am using google cloud secret-manager to store secrets across my project. I've been wondering how best to inject these variables into a ktor app. We've considered either calling the secret-manager during CI/CD and inject the env variables into the build. However we'd prefer not to give our ci/cd access to google cloud secrets. For quarkus we found this , however I've yet to find something similar to ktor. Is there any way to inject these variables in KTOR?
Wouldn’t using the Quarkus extension also require you to permit your pipeline to read secrets? Or does it evaluate properties lazily at runtime?
The quarkus dependency injects it runtime, not buildtime
You should check out Hoplite, it supports GCP secrets: https://github.com/sksamuel/hoplite
But to answer your question, there isn’t anything specifically for Ktor. The least invasive option is to use/keep using the GCP client, though Hoplite is great.
That looks very relevant! Do you have any examples using ktor and hoplite?
Not sure, I simply have the bare minimum in my Ktor config, and everything I need on the application side is in a Hoplite config 👍
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