Hello folks, how are you doing today? I'm having ...
# kotest
Hello folks, how are you doing today? I'm having the same problem described in this post: https://slack-chats.kotlinlang.org/t/517348/i-m-getting-engine-exception-when-trying-to-run-kotest-tests Every time I try to run one test individually, it fails with the following message:
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system/path/ValueCastingTest has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 64.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 61.0
When I run them all at once though, they pass. I noticed that when they run individually, the jbr/bin/java runner is picked by default. Is there a way to tell Kotest to always choose the JDK_HOME environment variable? My JDK Home points to JDK 20, so does my Gradle settings I got the plugin installed and all dependencies up-to-date (5.8.1) This is my test class:
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internal class ValueCastingTest : FunSpec({
    test("castTo should return a valid value") {

    test("castToNonNullable should return a valid value") {
Thank you so much 👍