I am facing any issue where I have a composable, i...
# compose-ios
I am facing any issue where I have a composable, inside which i have a Horizontal Pager and in each page of this pager I have a Lazy Column, now when i scroll the lazy column and just as it stops scrolling the 1st tap on any lazy column item is not detected, but the 2nd tap is This is not happening on any composable which does not have a Horizontal Pager but only has a LazyColumn
If you use latest 1.6.10 builds try rollback to
. If it works well on that version then it is the same bug as https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/issues/4681
👍 1
I'm on 1.6.2
Then submit an issue with a reproducer
Okay, I'll do this