Is there an open issue somewhere relating to the s...
# compose-web
Is there an open issue somewhere relating to the slow initial page load with wasm (in chrome, potentially others)?
Due to large binary size? There is one. You can optimize it uzing br/gzip encoding. BR encoding compresses skiko.wasm to 2500 KB. Almost acceptable
Honestly Im not sure why exactly, but that sounds reasonable. Is the skia library downloaded everytime I visit a new wasm website? Do you know what the original size of it is? Most of the wasm based websites I visit for research, I get around a 2-5s blank page before anything shows up. Even if theyre pretty simple. Reloading after that is fast, but in some cases I would just close the tab before waiting for stuff to load for so long, and Im sure others would feel the same way.
The original file is 7800 KB
We've been going through same discussions for the #confetti web client ( ) thing that helped here a bit was to add splash screen to show while files downloading. But we also need to add that compression mentioned
Confetti is one of the webpages Ive been using as a form of benchmark πŸ˜ƒ Would be interesting to see how big of a difference the compression makes!
we also removed following...can't remember history of why it was there but seemingly wasn't needed
Copy code
<script type="application/javascript" src="skiko.js"></script>
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7800 kb doesnt sound too bad, I mean it should be fast on a 100/100 line?
fwiw changes so far are in following branch
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For Tiamat we added "native js" progress indicator and hide it when compose starts rendering Demo: PR:
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@Alexander Zhirkevich Just coming back to this today.. do you happen to have any example of how compressing to gzip would work in practice? I can do it manually, but seems like I need to do something more in order to serve the files correctly?
It does seem like netlify does this automatically, so the slow load times are after compression πŸ˜…
Not sure how it is done on Netlify. Firebase hosting picks most suitable encoding and performs compression automatically. I prefer it.