Any suggestions on distributed kotlin web servers(...
# server
Any suggestions on distributed kotlin web servers(ktor/spring-boot): select a leader and ensure that only the leader executes this job, if leader fails other server takes the job. So far the options I’ve checked: • Distributed Lock ◦ Fencing Tokens • Implement Raft algorithm in the apps, and make them communicate (little bit hard to grasp actually) ◦ Apache Ratis: More context: • my db is mongo (so, distributed locks would live on mongo) • App is kotlin, spring-boot What would you recommend?
push your job to a queue, then let one of your processes consume it and run it there probably is a solution with mongodb but I can't help you with it, FYI I did this with PostgreSQL and SKIP LOCK
Johann's suggestion is a good one. Are you sure you really need a leader election? Are you trying to make sure something runs on a single node/once? Maybe if you can explain the problem, other possible solutions could be suggested? What sort of guarantees do you need? What happens in a partition? Etc etc...
Thanks for the suggestions. Two problems actually I have, • one is distributed task scheduler/executor for fire and forget operations ◦ User wants to execute long-running operation, take the command and execute it later ◦ Command scheduling. Take the command but schedule it 10 min later ◦ Recurring tasks, for example, every 20 min check users eligibility for sending emails • the second is only one instance runs specific operations ◦ Create a MongoDB ChangeStreams operation and publish the documents to Kafka, from there ElasticSearch indexing. And ensure that this always runs, if leader/runner fails then other takes the stream and resumes from where it was left. (kafka-and elastic part is not relevant with the need, I want just one stream follower in the cluster. There are connectors, like
but I don’t want to add too much separate element to the stack due to cost optimization)
I am not sure if that gives the idea of the use-case that I want to implement. It is not a new problem nor unique, but when it comes to solution I have a b it hard time navigating in the ecosystem of Kotlin or Java
you might consider Redis + Redisson for tasks
I will look into it @JasonB thanks!
I ended up using Zookeeper with Curator worked like a charm for delegating the leader election