I'm looking for a hosting company that is willing ...
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I'm looking for a hosting company that is willing to sponsor a small VPS for a piece of public infra for a non-profit, open-source project (https://github.com/typesafegithub/github-workflows-kt), in turn for being advertised as a supporter of the project. If you know such a company (or represent one!), please send me a message!
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If your main goal is to have a free VPS, you can use VPSs from Google Cloud or Oracle Cloud’s always-free tier
regarding Oracle's always-free compute (VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro), it has 1 GB of memory which I'd assume it's too little, but I'd have to check it - thanks! regarding GCP, do they have truly always-free tier? form what I checked, they charge for some NAT configuration or something, and with e.g. logging, if one exceeds the free tier, it can generate costs (I'm afraid of a DDoS)
> regarding GCP, do they have truly always-free tier? form what I checked, they charge for some NAT configuration or something, and with e.g. logging, if one exceeds the free tier, it can generate costs (I’m afraid of a DDoS) Oh, not sure about that. I just took a quick look because I think they included VPSs on the free tier recently. If the Oracle one isn’t enough, though, you make take a look here: https://free-for.dev/#/ (that’s where I found about Oracle Cloud) 🙂
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thanks, free-for.dev looks really cool! I'll dig deeper there
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