I've been looking to remove some of our old custom...
# graphql-kotlin
I've been looking to remove some of our old custom glue code and using more of the graphql-kotlin-server provided infrastructure. ran into some questions about
and `GraphQLContext`: • Our dataloaders sometimes need access to things in the
, which we've dealt with by setting the
as the
, and then accessing within a dataloader by doing
• It seems like in order to do the same thing, we'd need to make the
accessible to each
that we construct and create the
option when using DataLoaderFactory.newDataLoader() • That's all doable, but seems a little awkward (leads us down a FactoryFactory / FactoryProvider type route which always seems a little too JEE-ish) -- would it make sense to have a way for the RegistryFactory to handle DataloaderOptions directly instead ? or is there another way to expose the
to the `KotlinDataLoader`s that I'm missing?
@Samuel Vazquez
👋 , we just merged https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin/pull/1490 couple of extension functions that will allow you to access to the
from the
, the way we do it is slightly different and recommend pass the
as a second argument of your DataLoader.load fn
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foDataLoader.load(key, dataFetchingEnviroment)
then in your batch loader function you can just
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DataLoaderFactory.newDataLoader { keys, environment: BatchLoaderEnvironment ->
  val graphQLContext = environment.getGraphQLContext() 
this is possible because the
contains a context yes, but also contains a context by key (that would be the dataFetchingEnvironment) https://github.com/graphql-java/java-dataloader/blob/master/src/main/java/org/dataloader/BatchLoaderEnvironment.java#L48
the extension functions we added are just a short hand to do
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(batchLoaderEnvironment.keyContextsList.firstOrNull() as? DataFetchingEnvironment)?.graphQLContext
GraphQLContext is build in runtime by ExecutionInput (graphql request) so it makes sense to provide it as part of the
ah interesting, so you end up with the same keyContext object for every key that gets dataloaded, and just assume the first one? Thanks for that idea, will play with which approach makes more sense for us.
@Joe if you got ideas how to make dataloader integrations easier feel free to open up issue/pr with details
thanks I'll see what I come up with. it does seem to me that having the batch loader "overall" context always be the GraphQLContext makes sense, but maybe there are cases where it doesn't? but my ideas will probably be around making that easy to do if not default
ah interesting, so you end up with the same keyContext object for every key that gets dataloaded, and just assume the first one? Thanks for that idea, will play with which approach makes more sense for us.
yes, at the end is just a reference to an object so should not be expensive, plus it opens the door for the capability to access to a the DataFetchingEnvironment by loaded key