Hey folks, do you know what are my options to debu...
# multiplatform
Hey folks, do you know what are my options to debug this issue with KMM?
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Task 'embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode' not found in project ':ipInfo'.
Currently it works perfectly on local machines but fails on CI. But I am experiencing this issue every now and then and would like to learn some tricks how to get to the bottom of the issue. Any ideas?
That’s likely caused by some missing Xcode environment variables. What Kotlin version are you using?
So in the end it was missing
target architecture
(iPhoneSimulator). But I would still want to know where to find logs or what can I debug to see that it is indeed that - if you know what I mean 🙂
In a recent Kotlin version (not quite sure which one) the error messages were improved. Though I am not sure if those 2 cases are covered. Anyway as part of the improvement the task will always be registered and should display an error message in case of missing environment variables.
nice - that sounds like a lot of improvement actually even knowing that something went wrong and that is why it was not registered is great I am on 1.6.21 but just upgrading to 1.7.10, so looking forward to my next interaction with this issue 🙂
that’s a shame then because it didn’t help in my case 😞 hope there was an improvement in recent versions
IIUC the "not found" error will only occure non of the targets have a binary framework configured.
So I guess that would be the
in your case.
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            when {
                System.getenv("SDK_NAME")?.startsWith("iphoneos") == true -> "iosArm64"
                System.getenv("NATIVE_ARCH")?.startsWith("arm") == true -> "iosSimulatorArm64"
                else -> "iosX64"
        ) {
            binaries {
                framework {
                    baseName = project.name
what helped for reference (the problem with CI was that I was not using it there 🤦)
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KotlinNativeTarget with name 'iosX64' not found.
in my parts 😞
@miqbaldc you should add the target:
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kotlin {
Done, thanks, the task now available, unfortunately the swift compile error happened afterwards: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C3PQML5NU/p1661584594602739?thread_ts=1661584594.602739&cid=C3PQML5NU