I am trying to render a tree of elements recursive...
# react
I am trying to render a tree of elements recursively with React FC.
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val RecursiveRenderer = FC<ArticyObjectProps> { props ->
    Typography {
        +"${props.articy.Id} of ${props.articy.Type}"
    props.articy.Children?.forEach { sub: ArticyObject ->
        RecursiveRenderer { articy = sub }
The compiler error is "Type checking has run into a recursive problem. Easiest workaround: specify types of your declarations explicitly". But what types I could declare more explicitly I have no idea. I have seen examples in Typescript so this should be possible, but there is no ignore option for this, is there?
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val RecursiveRenderer : FC<ArticyObjectProps> = FC { ... }
Thank you. Now the new Issue is: "Variable 'FlowFragmentRenderer' must be initialized".
Compiler error?
I tricked the compiler into doing what I wanted with reading the FC-class from an enum.
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enum class ArticyTypes(val renderer: FC<ArticyObjectProps>) { GENERIC(renderer = RecursiveRenderer); }
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within The RecursiveRenderer I can now use:
ArticyTypes.GENERIC.renderer { articy = sub; level = props.level + 1 }
But would be nice to know a simpler working syntax.
IR or Legacy?
Currently LEGACY, because it is a bit faster for continuous builds, which is the main pain point for our frontend devs
I have found another way to avoid this compiler error - use lazy:
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val ListItem: FC<ListItemProps> by lazy {
  FC {
    ListItem {
It works well