for context, I did not grant AS full disk access. ...
# compose
for context, I did not grant AS full disk access. only download and documents
why would you not grant AS full disk access? 🤔 That’s the gradle daemon though, so it shouldn’t matter…
not sure if its related, or something with the compose preview not running actual gradle commands, but a special java plugin program inside AS?
seems like an easy way to test… grant it full access….test it…limit access again? 🙂
im doing it now.
ha no, that didnt fix it
worth a shot…I’ve never limited AS like that 🙂
me neither. this is a new m1 laptop 😛 so permissions were reset and new OS asks for minimal permissions when requestdd
wow…they’re finally rolling them out? 😮
im like only one other a hand few to get one. i did it via wayfair assist and wrote a long paragraph 2 months ago. they didnt give me a no and i bugged them a couple weeks ago and they shipped me one out
Lolol, I asked about this today since our PROJECT MANAGER got an ARM 16in MBP
nice 🙂 It’s such a huge difference… not a lap burner and only needs a few touchup charges a day even if you’re unplugged most of the day…
IT Helpdesks are a scam
wow..5yr cycle is nuts… I thought Wayfair’s 3yr cycle was bad…
wow thats awful
yewah my laptop can last through 2 hours of call room meetingd! Thx god
compilation, IDE is no longer sluggish, I can change branches really quickly, its been a revelation. one thing that is still slow is emulators, but we got security on fixing these crowdstrike rules
ok so original issue is my own doing! i had a symlink to
in a crowdstrike ignored location, and that was causing permission issues from AS. all good!
I have my own specced out arm 16in mbp so, I’m happy
crowdstrike shouldn’t slow down emulators (only maybe on startup)…usually compilation hurts the most w/ AV software
Rendering is done using a plugin so if you're lucky, the AS logs under Help/ShowLogs might help..
is there a way to look at AS logs for preview renders?
There may be more detail in Help > Show Log in Finder, in the
nope no such logs for it that I could find related to the error message. ill poke for file not found issues , or specific compose ones
running the same composable on device preview works fine. its only when its run within AS’s preview window
Do you have a snippet? And what version of Compose and Studio are you using?
i tried 1.2.0 of compose with kotlin 1.7.0. also tried 1.2.0-rc01 with 1.6.21 of kotlin. Tried both electric eel and chipmunk
opening that file with path from terminal works. so my guess is a permission issue for the AS plugin, or AS (granted it full disk access)
thanks for the info! ccing @nosuid and @amaury who might have more insight into resolving the font file in the cache
for more information, if I include the library as an includebuild in my project directly, the previews render no problem
so the issue is that, the library defines it own bundled fonts, which the renderer cannot access from the file system
we saw it on earlier versions of compose, but it was just a warning, which is now treated as an error
Does the library define a namespace to avoid resource collisions?
yep…that’s what I meant… avoid resource name conflicts when someone uses that lib…
so its homebase, and the app overrides them in the app module per variant for the fonts.
oh. In that case, you can’t do the resourcePrefix thing 😞
also…ugh…that’s not a good thing to do because that’ll break in future versions of AGP that won’t allow you do that override trick by naming stuff the same because that slows builds down…
ah how fun
do you have link to that? i can then pass it along
can’t remember where I read that…. 😞
ill search. thanks!
it also might have been some conference presentation by Xavier… I couldn’t find any article specifically mentioning this….and it’s a future state that’s designed by the AGP folks…
ah interesting
@nosuid and @amaury should I file a google issue for this case? or is there something else that needs fixing
it will significantly hinder adoption of compose at our company if we cannot preview
Yes please do with logs attached
ok! thanks
if you file it up two levels (ideally w/ a repro), it’ll get routed to the right place..
folllow here if anyone interested
Thank you!