A small proposal, currently on Kotlin Multiplatfor...
# language-proposals
A small proposal, currently on Kotlin Multiplatform if someone wants to define inline classes one has to use @JvmInline annotation on jvm sourcesets and not use it on non-jvm sourcesets which creates an unnecessary platform sourceset split since the code could otherwise be platform agnostic. Since it is an annotation to indicate to the JVM backend to use a specific opitimazation other targets (Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/Native) could just ignore it without throwing an error. (Treat it as a no-op on non-jvm backends) Filed on YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-53404/Treat-JvmInline-annotations-as-no-op-on-non-jvm-backends-for-better-Multiplatform-experience Example on playground: https://pl.kotl.in/R4XMcQfCJ
Copy code
// ^ Try different backends
// v And commenting out or not
// @JvmInline
value class NonEmptyString(val value: String) {
    init {

fun main() {
    try {
    } catch(e: Throwable) {
I like the idea of having a common
annotation which would map to
on Kotlin/JVM, while introducing a similar annotation for Kotlin/Native, maybe
. I created this YouTrack for this.
Though, that would be slightly different no? As in even when JvmStatic gets introduced it should also be no-op on non-jvm backends such as Kotlin/Js and Kotlin/Native to avoid having to split those inline into different sourcesets on multiplatform projects.
Ah right, so
would work on all backends (even non implemented ones in that hypothetical such as Kotlin/JS)
👍 1
I think it would be great to have conditional compiling in Kotlin, and you can just
#if JVM
to define anything for just JVM code, and there will be no need to define a common
👍 1
Yeah, similar idea where a common annotation works on all platforms where it has an optimization implementation and where it doesn't, it'd fall back to a no-op.
NVM, it is already a no-op, I was missing an import in non-jvm backends.