That's so sad. There is a new version of a library...
# compose-desktop
That's so sad. There is a new version of a library already on Kotlin 1.7.10. And I can't use the new version, since my project still on Kotlin 1.6.10 because of MPP Compose. I don't want to use an unstable version of MPP Compose, and Compose
doesn't work with Kotlin 1.7.x even with the modern Compose compiler due to the issue:
Copy code
> Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
   > 'void org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJvmOptions.setUseIR(boolean)'
Kotlin version coupling is very inconvinient. It would be so good to backport Kotlin support to stable versions of Compose. Looks like my project (Decompose) is stuck for now. 😞
You could make an alpha version of your library based on (pretty stable) CfD alpha that supports 1.7.*
True, how did I not think of that! K
Some may say that instability of Kotlin compiler/Gradle plugin apis is inconvenient as well :P
And IMO, at this stage and when considering runtime stability, the stable versions aren't more stable than the alphas are.
As a library developer, I assume there are binary compatibility guarantees on stable versions. That's why my libraries' stable versions don't depend on unstable libraries, and never use their experimental APIs.