Hi! Could people help me with hint of why i should...
# ktor
Hi! Could people help me with hint of why i should use HOCON file or not and make the config in code? I am new to Ktor and i want to hear some experience from people in here 🙂
For me, I have a few points: 1. Single source of truth for your configuration 2. Human-readable configuration 3. Ability to set default values for keys that might not have been set.
Another argument for is that you don’t need to recompile your project to change some settings.
👍🏾 1
So like Springboot have @Profile I can use HOCON to set what config to use when run dev prod or local?
Unfortunately, there is no such feature in Ktor.
I would be AWESOME if Ktor will make a feature with switching profiles 🙂