I dont understand this. The warning says suspendin...
# coroutines
I dont understand this. The warning says suspending fun has a CoroutineScope receiver, but the second class fails to find the "launch" method. Is this a bug or am i really misunderstanding this?
Not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but
Copy code
class Test{
 suspend fun test() = coroutineScope{
 launch{ do things}
might be what you're looking for
but that launch will stop returning from test() until it completes
Well, i'm trying to use coroutines with JavaFX, but that doesnt seem to be very usual and i didnt find much on it apart from the Dispatchers.JavaFX (or Main) One elegant solution i found was to make my components extend the CoroutineScope and clear it accordingly to javafx components lifecycle The classes were minimal reproducers But regardless of what i'm trying to do, i still dont quite understand the warning. Why cant i call launch from a suspending function?
Ok i tried your code and i makes a bit more sense now. Still some things i need to figure out tho, thanks!
Your outer class "test" implements coroutinescope, so launch in your function is
You are already in a suspend function. There is no need to
a coroutine. That's what the warning is telling you.
I dont think thats it @Chrimaeon
Copy code
suspend fun test() {
 launch{ do things}
 do other things
What if i wanted this? It would still show a warning
To get access to coroutine scope in suspending function you can do
Copy code
suspend fun test() {
  coroutineScope {
    // access scope here
Sure, but then also you’ll need to wrap the
in a “new”
like already mentioned, to give the job it’s own inner scope
Yeah i think i was misunderstanding some basic concepts about context vs scope
Like why could i use withContext but not launch
withContext provides a coroutineScope in the block and doesn't require one to run
Implementing CoroutineScope is the problem. Should have a private property instead, and use
coroutineScope { }
inside suspend functions.