Hi guys. I’m playing with Snapshot System. I tried...
# compose
Hi guys. I’m playing with Snapshot System. I tried to modify a mutable state in global snapshot, but the apply listener doesn’t get called back. Code in🧵
Here is my code:
Copy code
val globalWriteObserverHandler = Snapshot.registerGlobalWriteObserver {
  println("on global written")
val applyObserverHandler = Snapshot.registerApplyObserver { set, _ ->
  println("on applied - $set")
val count = mutableStateOf(0)
count.value = 1
If I take a snapshot before the modification and dispose the snapshot immediately, then the apply listener can get called back when state is modified:
Copy code
val count = mutableStateOf(0)
// added this line
count.value = 1
Dose anyone know the reason?
I found it’s due to the logic in
fun <T : StateRecord> T.overwritableRecord
Copy code
internal fun <T : StateRecord> T.overwritableRecord(
    state: StateObject,
    snapshot: Snapshot,
    candidate: T
): T {

    if (candidate.snapshotId == id) return candidate



    return newData
When candidate record is found, it returns, without calling
. Is this expected? If yes, what the reason?
I’m guessing yea, because the snapshot system is designed only to let observers know if an object has been modified, not how many times it’s been modified, in a given snapshot. If an object is modified many times in a snapshot, there are probably major performance wins to this approach.
I see. It makes sense. But I still feel that the behavior is a little bit buggy in my first code snippet. I expect there would be at least one apply notification.
Look at the kdoc for initializeObjects and sendApplyNotifications in Snapshot.kt. Changes aren't recorded for brand new state objects until the snapshot is applied or initializeObjects is called.
? I’m guessing you mean
. And it works. Thanks very much!
Yep, sorry