I feel like I must be missing some part of the doc...
# ktlint
I feel like I must be missing some part of the documentation, so if someone can point me there that’d be great, but how does one use the CLI and let ktlint know that there is a .editorconfig to be respected (for trailing commas in my use case)?
Okay yeah I’m stupid, I can just do
ktlint --help
to get that information. It prints:
Copy code
                   Path to .editorconfig
Yeah that link doesn’t talk about all the inputs etc. that one has on the CLI. But I suppose the standard is to do --help to get those I guess It doesn’t explicitly mention the
option, but it does say to use --help so my bad. edit: On the other hand if the
isn’t mentioned anywhere in the website maybe someone won’t realize before they actually install the CLI tool to test it out themselves. Or if they’re googling for it it won’t come up since it’s not mentioned in the website. I still think it’d be a good idea to mention all the options somewhere in the docs.
Thanks for the feedback. We just revamped the documentation so there's probably some missing pieces
Awesome, thank you! 🤗
If you have a chance, could you file an issue on our GitHub?
Of course! Here it is.