i have weird behavior during developing compose ap...
# compose
i have weird behavior during developing compose app: sometimes resulted build doesn't correspond to recent source code, it rather takes some cached sources from the past (2-5 hours ago). when i rebuild it returns to normal. did anybody have such behavior? last time i saw similar bugs was 10 years ago on eclipse ide. i'm on AS canary btw
also i'm using live edit. that may be the reason
Something similar happens to me periodically, across different Canary releases as far back as I can remember: I make a change to an app and run it in the emulator and it runs the prior version. Most of the time just stopping and rerunning fixes it, but in some cases I’ve had to rebuild. It’s annoying to say the least when a code change that should work doesn’t and it takes you a while to realize “oh yeh, it might be the old version running”. I can’t reliably reproduce it and I haven’t seen any other complaints (until now) so I figured it was something in my setup ...
do you use live edit feature?
I've filed like 5 bugs about this sort of stuff in the past 6 months.
I use Live Edit in the sense that it’s turned on (I think by default?) but I don’t really use it. I always stop and restart the app.