Hi where am i going wrong? :man-facepalming:
# arrow
Hi where am i going wrong? 🤦‍♂️
Im investigating
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api platform("io.arrow-kt:arrow-stack:1.1.3-alpha.37")
api "io.arrow-kt:arrow-core"
api 'io.arrow-kt:arrow-core-retrofit'
and have the following to test out both
my code resembles this...
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interface DiscogsDataApi {

    suspend fun searchE(accessToken: String = ACCESS_TOKEN, options: Map<String, String>): ResponseE<NetworkException, Response<SearchResponse>>
    suspend fun search(accessToken: String = ACCESS_TOKEN, options: Map<String, String>): Either<NetworkException, Response<SearchResponse>>

interface DiscogsApi {

    suspend fun search(@Header(HEADER_AUTHORISATION) accessToken: String, @QueryMap options: Map<String, String>): Response<SearchResponse>
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    suspend fun searchE(@Header(HEADER_AUTHORISATION) accessToken: String, @QueryMap options: Map<String, String>): ResponseE<NetworkException, Response<SearchResponse>>

and this...
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class DiscogsRepository @Inject constructor(private val service: DiscogsApi) : DiscogsDataApi {

    override suspend fun searchE(accessToken: String, options: Map<String, String>): ResponseE<NetworkException, Response<SearchResponse>> = service.searchE(accessToken, options)

    override suspend fun search(accessToken: String, options: Map<String, String>): Either<NetworkException, Response<SearchResponse>> = withContext(NETWORK) {
        Either.catch { service.search(accessToken, options) }.mapLeft { unknown -> unknown.mapNetworkException() }

my call to
works fine as shown here
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override suspend fun doActualWork(): Result {

    val work: Either<DatasourceException, *> = either {
        val response = repository.search(options = mapOf("q" to "Nirvana")).bind()

    return work.fold(ifLeft = { Result.failure() }, ifRight = { Result.success() })

private suspend fun persistResponse(response: Response<SearchResponse>): Either<DatasourceException, Long> =
        { manageHTTPError(response).run { NetworkException() } },

however my call to
fails with...
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create converter for retrofit2.Response<com.common.shared.resource.model.network.SearchResponse>
for method DiscogsApi.searchE
and this cause..
Caused by: kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'Response' is not found.
Mark the class as @Serializable or provide the serializer explicitly.
I think this should work:
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suspend fun searchE(accessToken: String = ACCESS_TOKEN, options: Map<String, String>): ResponseE<NetworkException, SearchResponse>