hey, I noticed some behaviour when running gradle ...
# ksp
hey, I noticed some behaviour when running gradle profiler benchmark that I am not sure if it is the desired one. kotlin daemon memory usage and live threads keep increasing when ksp is enabled. The only library using ksp in the project is room and I run the benchmark 50 times to check if the memory usage would stabilise at some point as I am just compiling the app over and over (without changes in the code) and as you can see by the image below the memory usage keeps increasing for each iteration of the benchmark. These charts are from a sample project that I can share and the GC starts to be noticeable around the 25th compilation for this project, but much earlier for other configs/projects. I would expect the amount of memory used to be stable around the 4th or 5th compilation. Is it normal? Should I open an issue at ksp repo ? room issue tracker? jetbrains issue tracker?
Thanks for the report, we will take a note and investigate.
Please let me know when a issue is created so I can follow the progress on this.
Hello @juliocbcotta, would you mind providing a sample project?