Hi! Just wondering if migrating an app to compose ...
# compose
Hi! Just wondering if migrating an app to compose piece by piece still has major performance issues, or was that already resolved?
Depends on which pieces that is. In our experience we’ve been using them both with no performance problems, as far as we’re aware at least. For example the a common interaction of compose with recyclerviews seems to have gotten some love on latest not stable release of recyclerview https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/jetpack-compose-interop-using-compose-in-a-recyclerview-569c7ec7a583. In general I’d say you’d need to try it out and judge for yourself in your use cases. I am personally not aware of any other super obvious places where the interop is not very performant.
So tackling parts of existing xml views little by little (while still keeping the main stuff in xml) isn't going to slow down things? My colleague said he tried a while ago and it was unbearable... I guess a lot changed since then.
It’s always important to note that there is a much bigger difference in Compose performance when running a debug build vs running a release minified build compared to the difference that existed in the XML world. Docs for reference https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/performance#build-release
Thanks for the pointers!