Is there support for having an intermediate source...
# multiplatform
Is there support for having an intermediate source set for android and jvm? I remember there is some issue when it comes to android + jvm but I don't remember exactly what it is
There is preliminary IDE support in the currently released 2022.2.1 preview. Feel free to share feedback.
It’s a bit difficult to give feedback on something which does not seem to be documented anywhere or am I just missing it.
Yes, this is fair! So let me give more details: We officially do not support sharing code between jvm+android: There are several key parts missing for ‘proper’ / ‘desired’ support (whatever this means for now). However, this is a famous use-case for compose projects and we therefore maintain a hopefully ‘ok’ ide experience on a ‘best effort’ basis. You can just create a ‘jvmAndAndroidMain’ SourceSet and declare ’androidMain.dependsOn(jvmAndAndroidMain)` as well as
and you should be able to work inside this SourceSet with IDE support.
This support requires latest IJ preview!
So the issue has always been at the IDE level?
No, this issue spans from the java/android ecosystem, to the Kotlin Compiler up until the IDE. The IDE, however, can mitigate many issues. Sharing code between android and jvm should work Creating libraries, sharing code between android and jvm should work However, the
source set will analyse with jvm only dependencies. This should be fine IMHO, since Android devs are kind-of used to this siutation.
Is it perfect? No Is it absolutely unusable? No How much resources would be necessary to make it better: A LOT! We will come to this, for sure, but we all know other areas that shall be stabilised first, right? 👀 ide import speed 👀 (e.g.)
So if we add a dependency to Jetbrains Compose in
would it correctly resolve to the Jetpack Compose artifacts in the Android source set?
I don't do Android but the doc quoted above also says: Kotlin doesn't currently support sharing a source set for these combinations: • Several JVM targets However, I'm happily using exactly that (Compose Desktop plus backend JVM). I also do cross-sharing with multiple parents for `frontendJvmMain`:
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sourceSets {
        val frontendCommonMain by creating {
            // ...

        val frontendJsMain by getting {
            // ...

        val commonJvmMain by creating {
            // ...

        val frontendJvmMain by getting {
            // ...

        val backendJvmMain by getting {
            // ...
As I have two executable JVM targets, I'm not using the
plugin, which can accommmodate only one. Instead, I'm using use this task configuration:
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val backendJvmArgs: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(/* ... */)

tasks {
    val runBackendJvm by creating(JavaExec::class) {
        group = "application"
        jvmArgs = backendJvmArgs
        with(kotlin.targets["backendJvm"].compilations["main"] as KotlinJvmCompilation) {
            classpath = output.allOutputs + runtimeDependencyFiles

    val runFrontendJvm by creating(JavaExec::class) {
        group = "application"
        with(kotlin.targets["frontendJvm"].compilations["main"] as KotlinJvmCompilation) {
            classpath = output.allOutputs + runtimeDependencyFiles
Works like a charm for quite a while now. What problems should I expect?
Works like a charm for quite a while now
Hehe, happy to hear this 🎉 I can explain this in the next multiplatform meetup in detail on how stuff like this works rn under the hood and what issues might arise from there!
Just to avoid any confusion. We are talking about IJ version
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IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.1 Preview (Community Edition)
Build #IC-222.3739.24, built on August 4, 2022
here, right?
Over here, it's just IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 (Ultimate Edition). In German, we have a saying "Aerodynamically, the bumblebee cannot fly. But it doesn't know about that and flies nonetheless." @Sebastian Sellmair [JB] Yes, good idea. Could you please post an announcement about that meetup here? Did not know about it.